Quinlan Care Concepts

The purpose of the Quinlan Care Concepts – NAVIGATORS program is to serve those who are at the end of their lives, and their loved ones. A death doula — or end-of-life doula — can enhance traditional palliative and hospice care by offering an additional layer of support. Death doulas provide non-medical emotional, spiritual, and physical support and guidance through the dying process. Central to the doula’s role is non-judgmental, holistic support that empowers patients and their loved ones to make the choices they want for their death experiences and to do so surrounded by the support they need.

Read more here: https://karenannquinlanhospice.org/qcc-navigators-program-offers-services-of-end-of-life-doulas/

If you are interested in becoming an End-of-Life Doula please click here to register.